Best Time to travel to Ghana

Independence squareIn Africa, Ghana, there are seasons for traveling when it comes to tourism. In order to make these ideas comprehensive for our clients, we listed the months and seasons that will suite our tourists when traveling.

High Season (June through mid-September, Mid-to-late December): During these periods, Ghana welcomes large number of tourists and the weather is balmy and students are often on vacation. December is also a rush for shopping and seasonal activities. Generally expect long lines at museums and monuments, peak airline prices, and hotels to be at highest occupancy during these times. In Ghana, December is also known as the month of return, that is all Ghanaians abroad travel to spend their holiday in Ghana together with other tourists.

Traveling season (April through May, mid-September through November): Ghana being one of the most visited countries for tourism is heavily traveled year-round. However, these periods in Ghana are wet and a bit cold for tourists to find that ideal combination of pleasant sightseeing weather and slightly thinner crowds. Additionally the rates for tourists remain high, but rather easier to get hotel and dinner reservations during these times, and airfares generally fall into a more reasonable price range.

Low Season (January-April ); usually Ghana experiences a very low or a decrease in tourism from January to April . These times are mostly sunny and warm for tourists who often like to tour during hot seasons. Those who don’t mind the drizzle can find great deals on airfare and hotel rates within these months and however, gets rewarded with smaller crowds and queues at major tourist attractions.

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